
Local, Performance, and Heavy Duty Field Clinics

Category: subpages
Created on Thursday, 06 January 2011 19:30
Hits: 16616

Local, Performance, and Heavy Duty Field Clinics

Find out when our field clinics are scheduled to come to your area - sign up for our Installer Newsletter, a quarterly email publication.
Field training clinics are conducted all over the world. SPC's professional ASE trainers provide specific alignment and suspension information on new model vehicles. Topics include; adjustment methods, problems associated with suspension and alignment, technical service bulletins, and service procedures.
This is not a "sales" presentation. Our field clinics are designed as a "technical assistance" presentation. A typical presentation lasts from 7:00 to 10:00 PM. Dinner and refreshments are commonly served from 6:00 to 7:00 PM.
Clinics are sponsored by area warehouse distributors. They are responsible for booking the clinic room. It's also their option to provide dinner and refreshments. We provide the trainers and equipment.
The alignment field is changing - and fast! To stay competitive and profitable in the competitive alignment field you must recognize the need for on-going training to enable you to diagnose and align vehicles correctly the first time! Technicians now require updated information on lowered and lifted, as well as vehicles equipped with SAS systems. Our clinic covers it all in a fast-paced, fact-filled environment.
Questions answered will include:
Diagnostic Information Presented:
If you are interested in either sponsoring or attending a field training clinic call us at 1-800-525-6505